On building a tribe.
I struggled with this initially because I didn't have a singular group of friends who understood all aspects of my life in totality.
During Covid, I tweeted that I wanted to get in touch with female founders who are moms and who are scaling big companies, and that's how I met Lana from Dream House and Jamie Schmidt from Schmidtz Natural.
I text them all the time because, as fellow founders, they can immediately empathize with all the competing factors in my head.
Other people include my therapist, and my personal trainer, who both help me clear my mind and empower me to feel stronger mentally and physically.
You will always have your core group of people that are your lifers; no matter how much time passes, you can spend time with them and it will feel like nothing’s skipped a beat.
Over time, all those tertiary friends you had from college tend to grow in separate ways.
Like humans, your friend group needs to grow with you, because you are not going to always be the exact same person.