On his nightly routine.
After work is wrapped up, I like to cook, have a nice meal, and enjoy some relaxing activities. This could be watching Netflix, probably like the rest of the world, or playing Scrabble or Catan with my partner.
Also, there are no cell phones in the bedroom so we make sure to block out screen-free time before bed.
There are lots of good reasons to keep our phones far away from our beds, like the screen’s blue light that disrupts our body’s melatonin production, the addictive allure of social media that keeps us scrolling mindlessly past our bedtimes, and the way phones distract us from downtime with our partners.
I also recently published my first solo writing project, “Getting Away: 75 Everyday Practices for Finding Balance in Our Always-On World,” that serves as a guide to unplugging and reconnecting.
There are tips about how to find that work/life balance we all crave and how activities like board games, puzzles and reading help give ourselves the time we need to reset and recharge. Most evenings, I’m asleep by 11:30pm.