
Zach Reitano, Founder at Roman


Zach Reitano

Zach is the CEO & Co-Founder at Ro, the mission-driven healthcare technology company behind Roman, Zero, and Rory.

Ro is backed by an impressive investor roster, including Tusk Ventures, Torch Capital, General Catalyst, Slow Ventures, BoxGroup, and FirstMark.

On his morning routine.

"Echo, stop.”

The first thing I do is feed my toy Australian shepherd, Thor, while brushing my teeth. I started doing this when he was a puppy and now has the cutest pavlovian response to my brushing my teeth — he loves his toothbrush pets.

On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, my partner Cleo and I exercise every morning, while on Tuesday and Thursday we read.

I then turn on an audiobook and walk 25 minutes to work, regardless of the weather. The walk to work helps clear my mind, even in freezing cold.

On reducing decision fatigue.

I don't choose what clothes to wear.

I only have 3 pairs of the same pants which I rotate, one pair of shoes for each occasion (work, gym, rain), and plain t-shirts that are mostly black.

The fewer the decisions I have to make the better and it saves me time.

Basically, I can get dressed in the dark and I’d be happy with any combination of anything in my closet.

On keeping himself grounded.

Stress is inevitable. In fact, I think you need it.

Just not too much of it. The key is to take a beat and try to step outside yourself for a moment when you feel yourself getting overwhelmed.

You also need to find more substantial activities that can ground you during larger periods of prolonged stress — rather than a single day or moment.

For me, these include exercise, long walks with my partner Cleo and our pup, and video games with my best friend.

I highly recommend getting an executive coach.

On the one habit he’s removed.

No social media.

I just never felt good after spending time on socials.

This is probably more of a reflection of me than social media, but the life I want to live is right in front of me.

On his long-term vision.

My life's mission is to bring personalized healthcare to everyone on the planet.

Essential to changing the way people experience healthcare is a fundamental understanding of why people want to be healthy.

No one dreams about a blood pressure of 120 over 80. You don’t lie awake at night thinking about the possibilities of a low deductible plan.

You dream of playing with your kids, hanging out with friends, starting a company, or climbing a mountain.

Simply put, people have life goals, not health goals.

I want to devote the rest of my life to helping people achieve those goals by turning the luxury of high-quality health care into a commodity.

On his life’s motto.

“When there is doubt, there is no doubt.”

Most decisions in life are easier than we make them. Should I hire this person? Is this investor interested?

If you have to ask, then the answer is obvious.

When there is doubt, there is no doubt.

On his evening routine.

I wish my nightly routine was more interesting but I don’t really prep for sleep.

I finish work around 12 or 1, brush my teeth, and climb into bed.

To slow down my brain a bit, I put in a completely meaningless podcast — usually sports commentary — and fall asleep in about 5 to 10 minutes.