On advice to founders.
Firstly on imposter syndrome, no one knows what they are doing, so don't sweat it too much. Most decisions are reversible, so make the best call that you can, and if it ends up being wrong, then change it. NBD.
Secondly, it's ok for some stuff to hit the floor. There aren't enough hours to be on top of everything. But there are a few things, perhaps 3 — 5, that can't hit the floor. In fact, they have to be excellent.
Focus on those things, either by doing them yourself or by keeping close tabs on the team that is doing it. What founders pay attention to tend to get done very well.
Thirdly, take some time to destress now and again. That can be a week vacation, it can be an occasional weekend of genuine relaxation with friends/family (without checking email every hour), it can be a regular workout or hobby schedule.
The mind needs some empty space, and often it's those times that genuine breakthrough ideas happen.